Wednesday, September 2, 2015

life with Doug

I really appreciate that Doug makes me laugh, a sampling of funny texts he sent me over the last couple months:
he teased me about this just after he fenced in my garden
teasing me again
and then the other day when I was at work and told him I failed the IV on my old patient
It made me laugh.
He also sends me pictures of our kitty when I'm gone
paint me like one of your French girls
and I came home to this lovely dinner the other night after work
nevermind he had used 2 jars of alfredo sauce and a bag of cheese to boot, no wonder it was so tasty! But it was really nice to come home to a cooked meal :)
Thank you God for my wonderful husband!

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me smile so big!!!!! :) I'm telling ya, a husband that can make you laugh on the daily is the BEST!
