Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter

We did a lot to celebrate Easter this year. 

A fun egg dyeing party and egg hunt at a friend's house. 

This girl was a MACHINE picking up eggs, she got the most of anyone. 

The Easter art I made a few years ago finally has a nice place to be displayed.

My neighbor made these and gave me one, I was so impressed!

We also dyed some eggs at our house too.

This morning's Easter family basket. Some chocolates, a new movie, and a couple family games. 


August woke with a fever so just the girls and I went up to my parents' church.

He was feeling better, so they came up for the dinner together.

Happy Easter!

We love our church. But for Easter and Christmas I find myself wanting a more traditional service. I guess you can take the pipe organ building/organist's daughter out of the Lutheran church but you can't take the... I'm not sure how that goes... but on those services especially I find myself just craving those hymns. We sang this beautiful one for the closing service and it just had me in tears. 

Alleluia! Jesus is risen!Trumpets resounding in glorious light!Splendor, the Lamb, heaven forever!Oh, what a miracle God has in sight!
Jesus is risen and we shall ariseGive God the glory! Alleluia!
Walking the way, Christ in the centerTelling the story to open our eyesBreaking our bread, giving us gloryJesus our blessing, our constant surprise
Jesus is risen and we shall ariseGive God the glory! Alleluia!
Jesus the vine, we are the branchesLife in the Spirit the fruit of the treeHeaven to earth, Christ to the peopleGift of the future now flowing to me
Jesus is risen and we shall ariseGive God the glory! Alleluia!
Weeping, be gone; sorrow, be silentDeath put asunder, and Easter is brightCherubim sing: O grave, be open!Clothe us in wonder, adorn us in light
Jesus is risen and we shall ariseGive God the glory! Alleluia!
City of God, Easter foreverGolden Jerusalem, Jesus the LambRiver of life, saints and archangelsSing with creation to God the I AM!
Jesus is risen and we shall ariseGive God the glory! Alleluia!


Monday, March 11, 2024

Daylight Savings Time

This is SOOO me right now. 

Hard to crawl out of bed. 

But I am enjoying the slow creep towards spring. The sunshine coming in the windows. I am ordering seeds and itching to start seedlings. This year I am going to try to do it from seeds and not spend so much money on seedlings. But I do need to get started now. Every year I get excited to garden, and every year my garden is a big fail. *But maybe this year*. 

Doug made me 2 planter boxes prob 8 years ago and they have slowly disintegrated, and the fence flops over.. so we are thinking if we should reinforce the raised beds, or just take out the wood and have just the garden bed area. One con to just having a dirt rectangle surrounded by fence is the neighborhood groundhog hasn't seemed to be able to dig under the fence and come up through the raised bed- but would have no problem just digging and coming right up into the garden. So not sure what to do about that. 

Anyway, every year Doug gets me a handful of free seed packets from the library, and I bought some of the heirloom and specialty seeds on Amazon. It still was like $25 for seeds- but I spend prob closer to $75 each year on seedlings and then just have such a sad garden experience it's never evened out. We shall see, live and learn! The one pro to both my neighbors cutting down all their beautiful privacy giving trees between our homes, will be that I should get more sun! But believe me, that is the only pro. I now look out my back window and see, I am not lying, 9 sheds in all the backyards of my neighborhood. 😢

But I digress, I am trying to be thankful for all we have living here in this house, with lovely neighbors, a quiet street, great location. And hopefully this year a wonderful garden! 🤞