Thursday, May 9, 2013


I am (almost) halfway done with nursing school! Woohoo! And I didn't fail!! Yaaay!
Today was my last exam, and then met up with a few classmates at a bar. Good times. Now it's the summer off (from nursing school at least), still working, and reading thru ALL my notes from this year so I don't forget. I'm ready for a break!
Well I did go to my first basketball class last night, aka white girls can't jump. Specifically one white girl at least.. First it seemed like I was going to be the only girl, but a few more trickled in. I was relieved until I saw one girl's shirt "basketball championships 2008", this is a beginner's class people! Go to intermediate where you belong!! But the girls were actually really nice and were teaching me to play 21. I was asking the coach/teacher if this class is going to actually teach me to play because I have absolutely no interest in paying $100+ to have another nightmare of 9th grade gym. He said he was sure I'd learn something. We'll see I guess!
So I found the perfect place to go to have people hit on you, yup, basketball class. The perfect place that is if you are into just out of high school boys. Two guys said something to me last night, on the way out the one said "Can I talk to you?" Me: "No". Sheesh, I'm so awkward! But don't ask me like that and make it weird, just talk to me! I must have impressed him with my mad skills.

1 comment:

  1. YAYAYA for halfway done with nursing school! You are doing awesome! :)

    Glad basketball class went well. I love that you are taking this class!
