Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Fixing my daughter's Warmie

My daughter was gifted this little puppy Warmie a couple years ago and it is her f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e... she sleeps with it nightly and rolls it around in her stroller and takes it everywhere. Which is why, despite my 'no toys in the bathroom' rule, he was in there and fell into the (full) potty chair. EW. 

Anyone with a Warmie knows the #1 rule is you can't wash it. BUT, as I said, it fell in the potty chair. So into the washer he went, along with another Warmie, a bear one we bought for her at Oswald's Bear Ranch that was also in on this bathroom party.

As soon as I pulled it from the washer and it was like 10 pounds I realized why they say don't wash it. Because those Warmies are filled with flaxseed for weight and lavender seeds for smell so when you put the toy in the microwave it provides a nice warm, scented "warmie". My daughter had never even used it as a Warmie, so I didn't care about that, but I had to fix him!

So, I slit him open in the back and sure enough he was filled with now heavy, wet, slimy, expanded seeds.

Looked so weird. Most of them squeezed out easily, but the seeds tucked into his paws and just stuck on the inside took a long time to rinse out. I wanted to get them all out because I was googling how to fix it and I read someones' Warmie sprouted something after they had washed it! 😲

Next up was the bear.

If someone had told me that having kids meant spending 2 hours on a Friday night disemboweling stuffed animals of their innards I would've said 'hmmm... we'll see about that', BUT the things you do for love.

Little empty animals.

I had fluff and I bought a bag of the stuff they put in those weighted blankets to give them both some heaviness.

Another fun hour stuffing them up, and spilling impossibly tiny plastic beads all over my table and floor, and sewing them up again. 

But, she was SO happy to see them again outside her door when she woke up. It made it all worth it. 💓

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