The biggest news around these parts:
My facebook announcement:
Lord willing, this September God will be granting one of my earliest little girl dreams, to be a momma of 3.
I feel so blessed.
A decade ago, when I turned 30, I was facing an unwanted divorce. A future so unknown and I feared so many dreams went with him as he left. But God. He literally opened the door of a friend's home providing a place to live, He opened a door for me to go to nursing school and start a new career, and in His timing, He led me to a wonderful godly man. And I'm so thankful. I never thought I'd be a 40-year-old pregnant lady, but I'm so thankful God dreams bigger dreams than I do!
All that said, we did think we were done at two- so if anyone has a baby swing, nursing cover, or bumbo to buy or borrow, we are in the market!
Doug and I had wrapped our minds around being parents of 2. We are busy and blessed with them, and there are logical reasons like only so much time, money, and attention to go around. But our hearts both wanted 3. I ended up having a daydream one cold walk into work one morning, had a talk with a OB doctor at work "go for it!" were her exact words, and came home and talked to Doug. He said, 'well we'd decided on 2' but agreed to pray about it. The next day we both said how about giving God a 3 month window if He wanted it to happen. For reference, August took 11 months, Jeanie took 6... and sure enough, this one took 2. So we figured God agreed with our desire for another little face at the table!
We are very excited. 15 weeks now, still so many nerves and fears, but very hopeful to meet this little bean on or around September 11th (probably after knowing my body!)
Thank you God!
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