Off bright and early! I was so nervous about the flight, but we thankfully were seated next to a dad with young kids and Jeanie took a nap, so it went pretty well!
Joel picked us up and we went for lunch to Cafe Mexicali, yum.
Tengo hambre!
We enjoyed the beautiful Colorado sunshine.
Jeanie had fun exploring crawling around and eating the crumbs off a different home's floor.
With cousin Ellie, this girl loves babies, but she kept saying "when I grow up I'm going to have no cat, no dog, no babies, just a husband." So funny! We shall see little girl :)
She loved holding her.
Molina had her 'class mascot' for the weekend so we took pictures of Spirit doing different things for the class journal. He made waffles, went in a fort, played the piano, and met cousin Jeanie :)
All the girls, this was post-nap, so some were crabby.
Flying home!
She cried a little more on the way home because it was so late and she was fighting sleep, but this girl was a champ and did super well overall. And I even discovered a new tooth when we got home.
Meanwhile at home, Doug was potty-training August, the morning I left he had tarped the play area, and while I was off having fun he was taking him to the potty every 15 minutes, so we are well on our way to down to one babe in diapers! Woohoo!