I feel so behind on life. I have stacks of dishes to wash, stacks of receipts to enter into the budget, a dishwasher to unload, a dryer of clothes to fold, and two little babies who are happening to have their nap overlap which seems like a miracle lately. My poor boy had a fever last night so he was up at 1:30am screaming, but luckily baby girl went down pretty easily and then after her 5am feed, slept till 9am. Awesome.
Anyway, time to wind down a bit and write. I still like writing the blog, I just wish I could do it faster! I've never found this blog interface to be very user-friendly.
We had a great start to June with my brother and his family being in town. We went to the zoo, and then we all rented an Airbnb by the lake and had a good weekend away. (Except for when Jeanie was awake from 1pm to 11pm and was crying on and off the entire day from being overtired. I just don't understand this phenomenon, just close your eyes and go to sleep!) But overall it was a great visit and good time together.
Love our zoo
August was surprisingly not into this splash pad at all
My siblings, together again at last!
The boardwalk from the rental home to the lake
Grandma & Grandpa with all their grandchildren <3
August did love this big bucket o' sand toys I got for him, he could've scooped sand for hours
This month Jeanie also met her Uncle Brian who was home from his trucking duties for a couple days
And August has been eagerly checking the garden every morning for any new ripe strawberries :) and to check on the presence of a couple resident toads.
The first flower from my boy, awwww
And baby girl is 2 months already!!
Feeling busy but blessed.