Friday, July 25, 2014

2 years later

Today marks 2 years divorced. I realized the date as I was signing papers at work. It is amazing how fast time flies.
Two years ago I was at the courthouse coming down the elevator with mom (and Andrew) and taking off my rings. One year ago I was picking up Joel and Michelle from the airport and getting ready for Elizabeth's wedding, and starting to think about dating again.
The hardest part is far behind me. Almost the entire first year from New Years Eve 2011 when he said he wanted the divorce, to New Years Eve 2012 when a full year had gone by- I was divorced, and had survived, and I had spent an entire year doing things on my own, that was the hardest part. But making it that first year showed me that I could do it. It showed me what loving and supportive friends and family I have. That God had brought me through. That He still had plans for me.
I don't think I'll talk about divorce forever, but it is a part of my past, and hopefully has shaped me to be more compassionate to others who are hurting, and more appreciative and loving to the people in my life. And to be more thankful to my God who is so good to me, and never let me down.
So yeah, I remembered when I saw the date today, but mostly I thought about how today is 99 days until my wedding. And how excited I am for my future.


  1. You are seriously one of the strongest women I know! Your grace and trust in the Lord was and IS truly admirable!

  2. You have come a long way :)
