Friday, October 21, 2011


I've thought about writing this week, but everytime I go to my page I see that picture of Andrew and I just hated to replace it! There were professional photographers at the marathon and they finally put up their pictures on their website. You just enter the bib number and their pics will pop up. There was this one of Andrew crossing the finish line and just had the happiest look on his face. I didn't see that view since I was in front of the finish line. I wanted to buy the pic, I probably will, but I hesitated because they wanted $16 for one picture!! Yikes!

Anyway, last night after a long busy week I just wanted to relax and bake something. I had rejoiced at the return of cranberries to the stores, so I made a batch of chocolate-chip cranberry muffins. Something tasted different than last time, I think I cut the cranberries too small, but still good.

(and yes that's my favorite sweatshirt again under my apron)

I also had seen a recipe for crackers on a healthy girl's blog I like and I tried making them last night.

Hubbs was making me laugh as I had him take my picture, he kept telling me to 'work it'... 'that's right' as I was rolling the dough out. Haha

(p.s. Hubbs if you see your wife is growing a double chin maybe it's time to tell her to be laying off the baking!)

Anyway, the crackers just tasted dry (probably as a cracker should, but not in a good way). The blog girl was putting almond butter on hers, but they had garlic powder and herbs in them, I thought that would be weird, and we were out of cheese, so I did just have them plain.

I'm starting to doubt my blog girl. We love her mexican tortilla pie and crispy chickpea bites, but the other recipes have been pretty bad. One disaster was 'carrot cake' buckwheat groats. Ew. The other day I made a pumpkin gingerbread smoothie, also gross, and spices were SO strong. I guess Hubbs did really like her butternut squash mac and 'cheese'... but otherwise, I've been kind of disappointed. They are very healthy recipies though, so for the few gems I find, I think it's mostly worth a try!

1 comment:

  1. Awww you look so cute in your apron baking! And gosh I wish baking was relaxing to me, but it would be really stressful!
