Monday, March 23, 2015

weekend update

If someone were to ask me what I would do after I got off a 12 hour Saturday shift, my answer probably would not have been that I would end up in my neighbor's bed. But that's what happened.
Doug had my car all day so he picked me up from work. As we were pulling into our driveway he saw his neighbor friend across the street. I had never met her yet, as most of our neighborhood has been hibernating in their homes all winter, us included! So we walked over to say hi. She is super outgoing and inclusive, so invites us in to meet her mother. Next thing you know we are being fed bowls of beef stroganoff and chocolate cake. Then her mom tells us to try her foot massager thing. After 12 hours standing on my feet, it didn't take much convincing. After that she said if we liked that we should try her massage bed! ummmm... I thought it was a massage table like the rich people I nannied for had, so off we go to the bedroom. But it's her normal bed!
So yeah, we ended up in our neighbor's vibrating massage bed
Quite nice actually.
Sunday was church. Doug and I have been alternating between our two churches since we got married, which is not much fun. Yesterday we agreed to do a 3 month trial of my church, and if he still didn't feel 'at home' or whatever, we would do a 3 month trial of his. And if I didn't feel settled there, we would look for a new third option. It's hard. He loves his pastor and the sermons at his church. I love the people at my church and believe in their goal of reaching the people who feel like they don't belong. And I can see it. In the 4 years I've been there I've seen it at least +1/3 in size. It is a little sad I don't see the people as much anymore :( I think me moving, and then being so busy in nursing school, etc drifted me away from some people, and I miss it. I guess at least by the end of 2015 we should be close to a decision and can get plugged in again somewhere.
Sunday afternoon we ate lunch at 5 Guys, grocery shopped, and watched Mockingjay pt 1 on the couch while Doug tried to nap away a headache. Poor guy, he's still getting so many of those. Then we went for dinner at his friend Fran's. She made us chicken, potatoes, salad, bread, hummus and garlic paste. Yum! It was fun to see her.
Today I'm getting my 'garden' ready!
(that photo looks very anti-climactic) but I am excited to try and do a garden this year. Those little seeds have to germinate for 8-10 weeks which buys me some time for the other stuff that has to be done first. Our house is on a crawl and there is some mold under it now, so one thing the guy said to do is get fill dirt and slope it along the house. So we have to do that. Then I have to figure out how to make some raised beds because I can't put the garden over the septic field, and I don't want it to be on the ground where the groundhog will eat everything. I keep googling ideas for raised beds that look nice,aren't too hard to do, and aren't super expensive to build! (ideas?)
One last thing is Doug got a new phone. It actually looks like a camera, with a telescoping lens, but it's a phone. Look at the quality of this shot!
our little cover model

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