Saturday, January 27, 2024

2 trips to the Urgent Care

Last week my boy was complaining of ear pain. We had missed the prior week of school due to an on and off fever, he went to school on Tuesday, and then Thursday this ear pain. So off we went to Urgent Care.

Here's when I knew he was really not feeling good. 

After 7 years, his first ear infection. Picked up the antibiotics and home to sleep most of the rest of the day on the couch. Thankfully just the next day he was feeling better. 

I was really relating to that song "and mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again!" as he had nearly a 3 week break already for Christmas and then he was off another week for the fever and then another day for the ear. He only goes 2x a week to school and we do the rest of the work at home, so I felt a lot of pressure with him missing so much. But oh well, he has recovered and we got all our work done at home too so it is fine.

Then today we were planning on meeting some friends at an outdoor iceskating rink and doing that as a family for the first time. We were getting lunch ready when we heard, "thump! waaaaaaahhhh!!" Lucy had been sitting on the toy cabinet with Jeanie and she reached for a toy, fell off, and must have hit her chin on some hard toy on the ground, and she had a nice slice under her chin. 

The bleeding stopped after a couple minutes, but it looked deep, I could see some adipose tissue. So off we went to spend 3 hours at the Urgent Care 😔

(The happy minutes before the fall:)

Running around without a care in the world at the Urgent Care

Guess I didn't take a pic of the injury, but a 1/2 inch cut under her chin. He didn't stitch it, but did glue it shut, so I think it was worth going. 

How crazy to have 2 trips to the Urgent Care in 1 month, hopefully we are good now! :)

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