Monday, August 9, 2021

around the yard

Part of staying in our house still means that I'm ready to get rid of all these bare patchy lawn spots and create a "lush oasis" for our backyard and a place for the kids to play. 

The before, with the neighbor's tree.

This was a huge bare spot, and we chopped our neighbor's tree down (with his permission) that was hanging over onto our side. But it created a big spot where we could only see his sheds. Doug planted these climbing hydrangeas, which in several years though (unfortunately) will be tall and lush and a beautiful visual. 

(there is fencing between those poles so the hydrangeas will be able to climb up and branch out.) 

After planting the hydrangeas and the fresh sod.

Several years ago, mom and I dug up all the stuff around the deck and planted violets, but sadly none of them stuck around. And it's just been this yucky dirt and bare spots for years. 

We laid sod all around the deck and also later planted some shade grass seed when we ran out of sod. 

Sod is actually pretty hard to take care of. We watered it forever for weeks, but one too-close grass cutting and it messed some of it up. Sigh. So we are going to see how it grows back next spring, and maybe come then, rip of some of those spots and do the grass seed instead. But hoping it grows back better!

This very splotchy spot in the back gets a lot of downed leaves and not much sun. 

Another leafy, weedy area by the side of the house. Cleared it all out, laid down some weed barrier, and then covered with pond rocks. 

Looks so much better!

Also laid 18 bags of brown mulch around my flower beds, and 8 more of cedar mulch on the other side. Seems like I'm always pregnant when I do my mulch beds and it's so much work! But it makes everything look so nice.

And finally blooming:


And my garden growing away:

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