Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's day

 Valentine’s Day is here!

Here’s our story:
How’d you guys meet? Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Oakland University- technically he dated my bf Liz for 3 months, I remember the 3 of us hanging out back then. We re-met probably 12+ years later randomly at a friend's "Friendsgiving" and I got a FB message the next day of him offering to let me "use his blood" (I was going into nursing school) lol.
First Date: An elaborately planned out date, consisting of dinner at Rojo where he had went earlier and planted flowers and a card at the table, then we went to the iceskating place where he had hidden a card and flowers in a locker, (I can't remember why we didn't actually iceskate tho), and then a drive where he set off some fireworks in a park.
How long have you been together? Re-met October 2013, married November 2014.
Married? Yes (going on 7 years)
Age difference? 1 year-ish
Who was interested first? Doug, but I remember being curious if he was going to try to contact me after that night of the re-meet
Who is taller? Doug
Who said I love you first? Me. I told him I think it was early February, and he told me "no!!, I was waiting till Valentine's day to tell you!" which I'm glad he didn't do something so cliché.
Most impatient? Me. I might have slightly more patience with the kids, but just barely, and not always!
Most sensitive? Me, although he is more sensitive than I treat him, need to be more careful about this!
Loudest? Also me
Most stubborn? Not sure, we are both willing to talk and compromise
Falls asleep first? Doug, he gets up a lot earlier too. The early bird and the night owl always seem to get together, don't they?
Cooks better: me, I'm not great, but I am the everyday cook. Doug cooks a very nice weekend breakfast.
Better morning person: Doug
Better driver: Doug
Most competitive: not sure, maybe me, but only during game nights.
Funniest: Doug
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Lately Chipotle. Also love Red Robin and a mediterranean place in Rochester.
Who is more sociable? Doug.
Who is the neat freak? me, and easily overwhelmed by clutter, toys, junk everywhere, unfortunately
Where was your first kiss? in the living room, "sometime after the third date" says Doug, lol. Apparently he remembers exactly what I was wearing. All I remember is that he caught me by surprise and there was a strand of hair between our mouths because I had just turned my head, lol.
Who initiated your first kiss? Doug, see above, I was not suspecting it
Who picks where you go to dinner? probably me, but we usually talk about it if someone else feels more strongly about the option
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong? me, and I usually am wrong more often too!
Who wears the pants in the relationship? this question reminds me of my big fat greek wedding where it says the man is the head of the house, but the woman is the neck. Lol. Doug has the final say, but we do make most decisions together and try to see the other's perspective.
Who sings better? me
Hogs the remote? we don't watch much tv
Spends the most? me, but my grocery shopping is much more efficient, haha.
Did you go to the same school? nope
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? Austria? Or Hawaii? I don't know which one is further.
Who drives when you are going somewhere together? Doug
Post a picture/picture(s) of you and your
valentine 🥰

And a couple more photos from today:

My pile of goodies from my Valentine (seen washing up the dishes) and yes that is an 'Hour of Love' record, lol

And, it just isn't Valentine's day without a heart shaped pizza :) which we enjoyed for lunch before heading out to a friend's birthday party this evening. What a nice day.

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