Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Life lately

She's starting to pull her bows off now :(

And climbing!

I've been buying stuff on Facebook lately, I'm so easily targeted. This is a cool seat so they can ride on your shoulders easier.

Came home from work and Doug has this little set up waiting for me. House Hunters International on the laptop, my Amazon package to open, a "candle" on the table, water, a chocolate bar, and Chipotle waiting for me in the fridge.  He had his brother over for a socially distanced bonfire and had that all set up for me to eat and relax. So thoughtful. 

August is entering the dinosaur phase of a little boy's life. 

Starting to drink from a sippy cup.

At the park.

Enjoying her new push car birthday present.

Had my "book club", the girls were getting silly near the end. Liz the pizza, LOL.

A friend gave us a huge tub of blocks. Poor August experienced his first 'stepped on a block' pain this morning. Ouch!

Little climber. 

Fun outside :)

All the corona memes. Haha.

Things are maybe lightening up at work? The good thing about working on a Covid unit was being protected by all my gear. They just transitioned us back to Med/Surg, but the thing is people still have it maybe- so now you're taking care of someone without all that gear and then later they get diagnosed and you were exposed. So most people are still wearing the thin surgical mask, but not all the other stuff (gown, gloves, n95 mask, goggles). So who knows. Our work is starting to test us for antibodies, so I'm going to get tested on Friday, I'm very curious.

I'm late to the TikTok party, but having fun with it. Man, easy to waste time on there! 

(Thanks Lindsey for showing me how to finally load a video, lol!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Jeanie turns one

I can't believe my baby is one. This year just zoomed by incredibly fast. I feel like it went a lot faster than August's first year- probably due to the fact that I am now busy with him as well and can't savor her babyhood. Which is actually kind of sad, but how else can you do it with more than one child?!

In the hospital after her birth one of my nurses gave me the advice, if you have more than one child, when both are crying go to the older child first because the baby won't remember, but the older child will. And I thought it was great advice, but just then again, I feel like her babyhood was pushed to the backburner and she really did play 'second fiddle' to the firstborn. 😭 But once again, somehow you gotta manage. 

Anyway, thanks to the quarantine her birthday party has been postponed, so here are some pictures from her actual birthday. 

Started the morning off right with her first taste of blueberry pancakes. Yum!

We spent the day how we usually do at home rotating meals, naps, playing. It was cold outside, so was indoors. 

I made her my favorite oatmeal cake. Seriously, I will never be a pinterest mom. I was getting stressed out making this and trying to have everything ready. It stuck to the pan, but it was still delicious. I don't know how other people are so good at getting multiple things done and prepared.

Her "frosting" was whipped coconut cream, the rest of us had actual frosting. 

She liked it.

So, her party was postponed, but we did have a couple neighbors come stand on the porch and they sang happy birthday to her and had a piece of cake. 

She actually ended up eating a lot more than I had planned on her having, as again, was busy doing something with August while she was going to town, haha. 

Um... why are my neighbors serenading me??

New Elmo toy

New balance bike from mama and daddy.

Beautiful handmade headband from a friend.

We are so blessed to have this sweet little girl!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Life Lately

I have a feeling every post for a while now is going to be "life lately" as even as I type the governor is extending the 'stay at home' order. My life consists of making meals, cleaning up, breaking up fights, and repeat! Haha. And of course going to work. 
Pretty girl.


Broke out the sandals :)

Our neighbor gifted August a mitt and ball so they could play catch <3

Ahhh work. One of the girl's mothers made these caps to keep our hair clean, which was really nice. Although I feel I look a bit of a cross between a chemo patient and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Work is so far ok, we're still at a 2:1 ratio, although we'll see what's changed when I go back to work tomorrow. 2 patients is actually a handful as I have to do everything: all the vitals, all the blood sugars, all the toileting/hygiene (usually assisted by a nurse aid), then all the assessments, respiratory treatments (because the respiratory therapists are busy working with vented patients now), and all the medications, and all the charting too of course. So it's a lot. And every time I go in/out of a room it takes me a few minutes to put on all my gear and then take it off and wipe everything down with bleach wipes. I feel mostly protected, but then constantly like "did I accidentally touch something and cross contaminate!?!". So I've left my shift several evenings feeling anxious and crying and just wondering if/when I'm going to get sick too. That's the hardest part, this long incubation period, and just wondering if I'm going to bring it home to my family :,,(

We were already doing homeschool pre-K so nothing different there except with the libraries closed we have fallen a little off schedule since we can't get the books on our weekly plan. Here is August wearing his "listening ears", as we learn about Eli listening to God. I've found a couple nice sites to supplement our learning, we watch daily circle time and have been doing this scholastic site too. 

Blowing bubbles outside. I can't wait till I can put Jeanie down too, but unless I want her instantly eating grass/dirt/handfuls of whatever, she has to be contained!

That hair :)

This girl finally mastered crawling just in time to learn to walk.

Park time!

"I'm not tired!"

Doug hung up the hammock for me :)

Fresh bread, mmmm, tasty and easy.

Doug bought me these beautiful flowers. 

I'm also late to the Tik Tok party, bummer, I don't think my video here will play, but it's kinda fun and it seems like pretty easy to waste time on there!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

more outdoor fun

Oh man I needed this sunshine today. I have been the biggest crabby patty to my family. I feel so worn down taking care of everyone and I feel like all I do is make a meal, feed everyone, clean up, and then repeat all day. And the squabbles and answering questions all day looooong.

I changed my work days to work all weekends for the month of April. Normally that would totally suck, but since everything fun is cancelled anyway it doesn't really make a difference. And that way Doug can work from home Monday thru Thursday while I watch the kids, we have one family day on Friday, and then I work Saturday and Sunday while Doug watches the kids and we can give our parents the month off to avoid potentially exposing them to anything. So it stinks to only have one family day, and to not see our parents, but safety first!

Pictures from last week:

Am I the only one whose child prefers to line up, or in this case stack crayons, instead of actually draw/color with them??!

My favorite icecream shop is closed, but McDonald's sundaes are a nice substitute. I think this is his first one!

He loves to look at this old book in the car, but it's not really a funny comic book so I often have to explain these more complex emotions and goings on. 

Today we finally had a sunny day, and we went for a walk to the park. 

Hopefully this sun sticks around, I know it won't, but I see things starting to bud and grow and it's a bit of joy and hope in a couple weeks of gloom and bad news! 

Something for us all to remember, there are still good things ahead!