Oh my gosh I need a day with nothing scheduled. All my days off have been filled with appointments, and even good stuff like tonight is book club, but I am just feeling worn out! I was thinking that day would be tomorrow, but then I see on the calendar I have my last graduate nurse class for work (I do get paid for those) and then my thyroid doc. So maybe the afternoon free. Then back to work. Then Easter weekend. Doug and I are still church hunting so I'm not sure where we'll go on Good Friday, I think we are seeing my parents Saturday, then Easter Sunday with his parents. Again, all good things, but I just want to sit around and do nothing. Although I say that, and then see on FB everyone out and about doing stuff and I feel like I should be doing that- but I just more and more need down time.
Some pictures of not much going on around here:
This tiny little squirrel squeezed into my squirrel-proof feeder
my peonies are coming up!
I totally forgot about these tulip bulbs I planted last fall
soon to be daffodils. I hope the freezing rain/snow predicted for tomorrow doesn't wipe these little guys out
Sigh, Michigan
I went to the surgeon with Doug, he is thinking of getting his deviated septum repaired. Not just so I won't be woken by snoring, but at times Doug has said he can't breathe out of his nose at all. That sounds like a problem to remedy. The surgeon said he had a "moderate to severe deviation". In the meantime Doug made me switch sides of the bed (instead of just turning onto his other side!!) so it's a bit different waking up, but not as discombobulating as I thought it might be.
September is so cute when she snuggles into our new rug
I made breakfast burritos for my soon-to-pop preggers friend Kim. Egg and turkey sausage, potatoes, onion and peppers and cheese. I made a couple for Doug and actually they weren't as good as I had hoped. Bummer! Sorry in advance if you're reading this Kim, I would rank them higher than a bowl of cereal, but way below breakfast at a delicious restaurant. Sad thing is a fresh omelet with these mix-ins would have been amazing, so maybe it's the reheating part that messes it up??
Finally, if you like ginger, then go get this at Trader Joe's. Yum. Alright, off to relax for a bit.
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