Tuesday, May 5, 2015

baby boy R is here!

Oh my gosh, helping your friend have a baby is exhausting!
Yesterday I went over to Liz's and hung out with her while she began early labor. Which pretty much she said was a few cramps while we watched tv, she made lentil meatloaf, I laid on her sunny deck reading, her husband came home and we watched a show. All the while the contractions never really got worse. Finally 9pm I headed home and she headed to the hospital and said she'd call with news.
Around midnight I woke up and hadn't heard anything. So I texted and she said she was only 1cm, but had been admitted because water was definitely broken. I slept a bit more, woke up at 5 and headed to the hospital. When I got there, she was 3cm. Anyway, I don't want to tell her whole birth story but I ended up staying the whole time, as did her sister, mom, and mother-in-law. I got to hold up a leg and got a front row seat in on the action! It was amazing. She did so great.
And he's here safe! Right on his due date. He was pretty purple when he came out because he had been a bit stuck, and was having a bit of trouble breathing, but he pinked up and is doing great.
Great job Liz!!

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