Monday, August 11, 2014

life lately

Doug and I have been so busy planning. I go back to school in 2 weeks and I'm not ready! I feel like all I did was work this summer. I did go to CO and FL, and have one more weekend up North this weekend, but seems like too much work. And crazy, I'm working harder and longer than at my law job and not making as much money. That stinks. Oh well, good for the resume building and future so it's worth it.
Doug and I checked out some suits last week
no hats!
He wants to still check out another place, so we have to do that. We also went to sample a caterer and I'm glad we did. They weren't great. Even the rolls were not that great, if you can't make a good roll, that makes me very skeptical! So now trying to arrange to meet a couple others. I really was hoping to have this out of the way before school started.
We also planted little pumpkin plants and gourds for our table decorations. The packet said they grew in 109 days and I think I planted them at like 106. So we'll see. Maybe they'll be small?? If it works at all I save some money, if not, I only spent $3 on seeds. And maybe I'll have a late November gourd/pumpkin sale of my own! haha
I was growing these in the sunny spot at the condo on top of some electrical box, but they went up to be transplanted to mom's garden. Grow little babies grow! We also planted some at Doug's house, so maybe we'll get some. Fingers crossed.
One thing I noticed that I loved was Doug and I were planning on meeting at his house to carpool somewhere and he said "see you at home" awwww.... it's our home already!
We also had a nice date night this week where wedding planning was limited, yay. He came over with belated birthday flowers
And when we came back after walking Becks and picking up a library movie, we came back to this nice surprise
awww, I'm going to miss my roomie!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pumpkin table centerpiece idea!! And the popcorn from Jill was so sweet!
    If you need a wedding cake you should check out my mom's site - :)
