Friday, April 4, 2014

good eats

With some of my $1 for 3 colored peppers grocery steal I made stuffed peppers for lunches/dinners this week:
With a side of roasted baby carrots and garlic.
I can't find the recipe I used for the peppers, it was just one I googled. I like it because you don't have to cook the meat before hand, you just mix it up with some breadcrumbs, onion, garlic, an egg and herbs and stuff it in. Very good.
I also made this glorious breakfast of champions
Ever since I made breakfast for Doug a few weeks ago and I got those frozen tater tots I have been craving those freezer potatoes. Here they are baked up, topped with a fried egg, and too much cheese. Delicious.
But here's the worst part:
Stupid pans, so sticky even with butter.
Plz? i've been craving potatoes too..
And I've been wanting to make pb with my fancy blender ever since I bought it a couple years ago, but always have been too intimidated. Finally I used up the peanuts I bought round Christmas time, thinking I was going to be peanut brittle making queen, and got out the blender instruction book and went to town. It was actually pretty easy.
It actually blended it almost too smooth, it was like a pb shake, but I resisted drinking it! :)

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