Saturday, December 28, 2013

Meeting Miss Molina

Before the trip out to CO I made a few crafts for my new baby niece:
I knitted this hat
I made this blanket
hearts on one side
Star Wars on the other
When we flew in Christmas night, my brother, sister-in-law, and Molina were there to pick us up.
This was my first peek at her sweet baby cheeks
Here is baby girl wearing the hat I made:
And at her first Christmas
I ran out of time before the trip for my other crafts, so while the family was babysitting tonight and Joel & Michelle went out on a date, I finished up a few more projects:
I could not resist these super cute fabric prints
And then this hat was a too small fail, I think I was supposed to use "knit" fabric that would stretch, whoops
But the jammies fit
Me and baby girl
Tonight, while her parents were gone, Molina made us some cookies:
Then she cleaned up after herself
And then she settled down for a bottle and to watch the Michigan game with Grandpa
Love this little girl!


  1. Love all the pictures!

  2. Such a sweetheart!! And your crafts are adorable! I especially love the hearts/Star Wars blanket!
