Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hospital Experience

Today was my first time in the hospital, I won't start my for real clinical until January, today was just a 'taste'. I felt so awkward at first, I totally bumbled my blood pressure, but the rest of the day went by pretty good. I did vitals, gave a bed bath, changed a bed with my patient in it, and then I watched my classmate change a guy's ostomy bag and I looked at his stage 4 pressure ulcer. Ouch. His nurse came in and evaluated the wound to see how deep it was and if it was tunneling, it was, and it started to bleed. I was almost crying imagining how it hurt and just to see a giant hole missing from someone's back and to know it will probably never heal. Sad. But all in all a pretty good first day.
After that I was still able to make it to my work Christmas party. I didn't think I could make it so I called my boss and told him no one could make fun of me in my scrubs while they were all festive/business casual. But I'm glad I went. Who passes up free lunch at Andiamos?? We had appetizers, salad, I got gnocchi, and chocolate dessert. Mmmmmm. And more and more I'm really loving my co-workers. They are so fun. Over the past months we've started doing girl's dinners, baseball games, and we're planning to go dancing next week. And it was just super fun today. It totally sucked getting fired from my old job back in January, it made an already worst month of my entire life even more terrible, but besides the paycut and loss of benefits, I'm glad I don't work there. I really love my job now and am a lot happier here. I finally feel like I know what I'm doing, I'm pretty good at it, and I just love my co-workers and boss. So I am thankful. I hope God has more good things for me up His sleeve in a nursing job someday 2 years from now!


  1. what hospital are you at Anne? keep me updated on your rotations. mike and are at different beaumonts.

  2. Ahhhh! I don't know how you nurses handle that stuff. I get nauseas just reading about it! I am so glad that you are enjoying and doing well in nursing program though! (and I am so happy that you can have some joy in the job you have now). :)
