Saturday, September 7, 2024

Back to school!

 This summer flew by. We started with a new chore chart, expected things like making beds and getting dressed, and then age appropriate stuff like Jeanie unloaded the silverware, August took out bathroom trash and collected eggs. Each week we had a memory verse and a new hymn we sang during breakfast. And we read lots of books and also spent time on workbooks. 

Jeanie finished this one

and this one

We read thru this book

August finished a 1st grade workbook, and had some fun little gems in there like this story.

Jeanie LOVED this scissor skills book and is cutting like a boss now

And we started school last week and celebrated with 1st day donuts!

It was a good summer, but also had lots of squabbles and I was ready for school to start again. We are doing a hybrid homeschool program again so they go to school 2x a week and we do the rest of the workload at home. I am nervous to balance 2 schoolers now and a very-strong-willed-threenager, but here we go!!