This is what seemed appropriate after googling "keeping my head above water".
That's me, right down to the extra flubb. It's been a busy summer, but a lot of goodness. I did an 8 week summer nature curriculum with the kids to get us ready for homeschooling this fall. It was fun.
Beaver dam cookies
window suncatchers
Ocean slime
Making blueberry pie.
Painting constellations.
We went on an out East road trip to VT and NH that was really a nice time.
stop at Niagara on the way home
We visited for 2 weeks when my brother and his family were in town
I turned 42 and we had a gender reveal party for my sister
Had a baby shower for my sister
These 3 are growing up
made lots of goodies with the kiddos
These 2 had a 3 day nature class at the nature center nearby
A Labor Day mini trip to Bois Blanc Island
This precious girl turned 2
And then last week, August started his Homeschool hybrid program, Jeanie started back to speech therapy, and my Bible study program started up again, all on the same day.
And I just feel that I haven't had a moment to myself that isn't folding laundry, washing dishes, cleaning up someone's mess. Not to mention my garden and side yard are out of control, but I either 1) have no time, or 2) the mosquitos are OUT OF CONTROL all of a sudden. Oh and my car has been in the shop 3x in the last 3 weeks for the same exact thing. And I've been doing PT for my diastasis recti I've had for 2 years now since Lucy's birth so I have to add in an additional 20 minutes of exercises each day for that. My precious new niece was born, but is going on her 3rd week in the NICU. Our hospital merged with another one and they don't realize it takes people to take care of people, and have been firing people which makes everyone's jobs harder. I've gained 8lbs since I finished up breastfeeding in the spring. And I am just OVER IT all.
Ok, breathe, breathe.
I know in a month or so we will be in a groove and it will be ok. A lot of the stuff we are doing is fun stuff, like this weekend we are going to the apple orchard and zoo, and today we did a family swim at the kids' swim lessons. Its fun stuff. It just is always very busy.
There've been many times where I've thought about blogging about something or other. But it just doesn't seem to happen.
Part of it is this STUPID blogspot website. It always takes several times to log me in, and when I upload pics it usually puts them in chronological reverse for some reason so then when I try to drag it to the right spot it inexplicably deletes it. I really hate it.
So anyway, that's what's going on. I'll pop in when I can, this blog was supposed to be enjoyable for me, and not just something to check off a list.