I'd been eyeing some Nativity sets on Etsy. The cutest little handpainted peg sets. However, I started to think they'd be too chewed on and $50 was more than I wanted to spend.
Then I stumbled upon this set at Walmart when I was getting wrapping paper.
The girls, especially Jeanie, played with it for hours the first day. "Mom, mom, it's Mary and Jo-fess!!!" For $16 I guess I didn't really notice the wise men were like several heads taller than Mary and Joseph. And who cares the sheep really looks more like a dog. And that baby Jesus has a little hot dog body when he gets pulled from his swaddling cloths.
But this part does make me laugh:
It's more like Abraham and Sarai instead of Mary and Joseph :)
You guys couldn't find anymore brown yarn, had to use gray!?!