Typically in January I like to look back at my last January's goals and see how I did. This time when I went to look back, I noticed I never made any! 2020 was such a cluster of a year that I guess come 2021 and things not seeming too promising I guess I just never made any! And wouldn'tcha know, the year passed by anyway :)
Thankfully we were still able to do some traveling. Doug and I had a trip just the two of us to the Keys in January:
We found out we were pregnant with #3! after giving God a 3-month window to get us pregnant if He wanted that, and He took 2 months, lol.
I guess I did take a picture of this stack of books with the goal to read through them this year, and yeaaaah, I read the Zoe Life, and Shepherding a Child's Heart, part of Spiritually Parenting your Preschooler (I don't really like that one) and the rest were all no's. But I am back to work, and back to my pump breaks, so my plan this year is to take a book to work with me and read on my pump breaks, so I should make some progress that way!
In February we went back to the Keys with the kiddos
In March my Grandpa came to visit and stayed at my parents
We officially announced our news
And I flew down to Missouri to spend a long weekend with my friend Jill.
In April we celebrated Easter
Jeanie turned 2
I finished this quilt for my niece Ellie.
In May we spent a long weekend on Drummond Island
We also had a really fun long weekend in Fort Wayne, Indiana at the Lantern Festival
and also at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo (awesome zoo)
Doug finished my treadmill room in the garage
because we started turning the area where the treadmill had been in our mudroom into a half bath
In June, August and I went out to Colorado to visit my brother and family
(everyone sitting on quilts I made for them)
I put out 30+ bags of mulch
we picked strawberries with my mom
And went to a Father's day baseball game
We laid sod in "operation nice lawn", and of course, that was a failed operation ðŸ˜
We went to the Air Zoo for Doug's father's day outing
And Joel's family came in for a couple weeks of family time and fun hangouts
In August I turned 40! And my family was in town for the day too so that was really special.
And we decided to have an impromptu gender reveal as well. We tried to wait to be surprised, I made it to 29 weeks until I wasn't sleeping stressing out about it, and the surprise wasn't fun anymore.
My brother-in-law took nice maternity family photos for us at 35 weeks
We did a day trip down to the Toledo Zoo
Had a fun boat day with our friends
Our annual bookclub girls' weekend getaway
Met up with Jill for our birthday dinner
And finished this quilt for my baby girl!
In September Lucy was born!
heart exploded seeing 3 precious faces in the rearview
Family walks
Baby's first cider mill
Baby's second cider mill excursion, lol
In October we went to New York on our fall colors road trip
our bathroom project got electricity, plumbing, walls, a toilet and a vanity, and is moving right along!
August turned 5!
pumpkin carving
quick trip up North and Lucy met great-grandpa 💓
Halloween with this little pride of lions.
In November Doug and I (and our +1) had a night away for our 7 year anniversary
I got new cowboy boots and had a fun night out line dancing with my sister.
Lucy's first Thanksgiving
In December we widened the entryway into our kitchen
And Christmas and lots of nice family time again with Joel's family in town.