Thursday, July 29, 2021

summer days

We've really been enjoying having cousins in town visiting. August and Jeanie spent the night at Grandma's the night before I had to work a couple times and then had fun days playing with cousins and excursions to the library. 

He's constantly following cousin Molina around, "she's my best friend" 💓 (playing with the costumes bin).

We all took a day and went to Frankenmuth:

We went on a fun little boat ride, never had done that before. My fam skipped out on the chicken dinner and headed home for me to work again the next day, but it was a fun little day trip.

And they had another night at Grandma's and another cousins day while I was at work yesterday. I was happy to get these pictures while I was working, it looked like everyone was having fun :)

Today they are coming over for some splash pad fun and just a few days left together! 

Monday, July 12, 2021


 Doug and I had a wonderful long weekend babymooning in Grand Haven last weekend. It was sunny, but not too hot, no rain, and CHILD-FREEEEE thanks to my wonderful parents watching our kiddos. 

We stayed at the Boyden House B & B and it was so nice to have one included meal, and to be right downtown. Usually when we vacation we get an Airbnb, but we didn't need that when it was just us 2.

The first night we walked down to the musical fountain. 

EVERY house had these huge gorgeous envy-enducing hydrangea poms. This house was just so inviting with its cozy porch and lights and beautiful landscaping. (night shot) I have 6 hydrangeas with NONE of the success that almost every homeowner over there had. Who knows why. 

The next morning after breakfast we went to Rosy Mounds and had a good morning hike.

We then went into town and got lunch and had a day at the beach.

Back to the B&B for a shower, nap, change, and then back to town for dinner, more shopping, and then to the musical fountain again. 

The next morning, after breakfast, we went to a little park for a short walk. I wanted to walk on the beach to the lighthouse one more time. We spent forever looking for parking since it was Saturday, but finally found a spot and did some more walking. 

Then a quick tasty lunch downtown, got some gifts for our cat-sitter and baby-watchers, and then started the trip home. Picked up our kiddos, had pizza with my parents, and then home and unpacking. It was over too soon, but nice to have a little uninterrupted time to talk, dream, be together, and sleep!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

summer fun

 Strawberry picking with Grandma and Aunt Elizabeth

Picking mulberries on our walk to the park

Playing with the toy car and tricycle in our driveway

Picked up this little water/sand toy at Aldi for $15 and it made for a fun afternoon

It's been so rainy lately we've been inside a lot with music and library books :) which is fun too. Looking forward to a couple weeks from now when my brother and his family come in town for a visit.