Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year!!!
Time to reflect on last years goals:
Oh yeah, I was going so strong!.... and then petered out. Whoops. I still need to read that investing book, I think I'm less excited about group exercise, but I still want to do those kiteboarding lessons someday. I wasn't very good at it, but that's what lessons are for! And I want to make awesome food that people request, I guess that one could be half checked. Joel asks me to make stuff sometimes.
So 2014 goals:
- graduate nursing school
- pass N-CLEX
- get full-time nursing job
- take an awesome trip this summer
- read an investing book
- make healthy relationship decisions
Those are all totally doable.
New Year's Eve has been hard for me in the past because it was the day Andrew first said he wanted a divorce, but last year on New Year's Eve I went to a party at Liz's and it was the year 'anniversary' and it was really neat to think about how much God had brought me through in a year. And this year I am in Colorado and Joel and Michelle had a party and it was again amazing to see God's goodness and how far I feel from just 2 years ago. And they even had a friend who was recently divorced so it was nice to be able to 'minister' to her, and share about how good God has been, and that it gets better. And to pass on great resources like that divorcecare group.
New Year's Eve day I went on a hike with my parents, we didn't make it all the way up to Horsetooth, but it was a nice hike
Mom and Nemo
Dad and Chubbs
After the hike I got a hair trim. I brought a picture of a girl in a book who had bangs I liked:
The haircut lady was like "is that you?" um, no. If that was me I would already have my dream bangs not be asking you to help me!
So anyway, still not the same as the girl's, haircut lady said my hair is too fine :(
Michelle and Joel's party was really fun. They have really nice fun friends. We played this 'adult' version of apples to apples, then the trifecta game (catchphrase/charades/password), and then Tell-er-Draw which is like telephone but with drawing. I love this game. One hilarious one was a pretty inappropriate drawing which Michelle interpreted to mean "abstinence makes a whirlwind of difference", it was hilarious.
So yeah, I am excited and ready for 2014!!
And some more pictures of baby girl:
Stop! In the name of loooove
One Million dollarz
Beautiful baby!


  1. I def would request those muffins all the time if we lived closer! So chk that resolution off your list!:)

    1. haha, thanks, yeah you do like those muffins :) they are so good!
