Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Reflection on 2019 Goals

Not only a new year, but a new century! Wow. Happy New Year!! The kids are napping, and I had a little nap too, and it's time to look back and see how my 2019 goals played out:
Lose the baby weight. - I guess we can call this a yes. I am at or a pound or two below my pre-baby weight. Although baby #2 definitely did a number on my stomach. I have a lot of stretch marks that have faded in color but the skin looks wrinkly. I find myself relating a lot to this blog girl that got an abdominoplasty because of big time belly bloat at the end of the day, and a stomach that she says "looks like the bottom of a burrito". Anyway, I don't know if a major surgery is in my future, but it's kinda funny at work we get abdominoplasty patients all the time so I'm very familiar with them! I probably could do more with weight loss and ab strengthening first before I'd think more about it, but it's true you can't weight loss or tighten loose skin. Oh well. I don't love the look of it, but kinda just figure it comes with the territory of having babies.
Get another rental property. - Nope. We got outbid several times and walked away from another property that our inspection showed a lot of mold and issues. 2020 is going to be our year I'm sure!
Save money. - I think we pretty much saved between 800-1200 every month. We also started saving more for the kid's private school accounts.
Read these books:
- Fail! I only read 3 out of these 9! I did read a book every month for fun for my book club, and I read a couple other books that weren't in that original pile. But out of that stack I only made it through: Bringing up Boys (loved it), Love & Logic Magic for Early Childhood (good, but when giving 2 choices to my son he always picks "option #3!" so that's frustrating), and Loving our Kids on Purpose (some good info, but not a favorite).
House Projects. - Replace the hall carpet with hardwoods.
- Kinda! We got new carpets a couple months ago. The pad is so much thicker and nice and it looks a lot nicer.
(can't exactly see, but the new carpet is in the bedroom wing and in the kid's play area.) It makes a difference, I used to have to vacuum at least weekly and I haven't even vacuumed since we got the new carpet a month + ago, it just doesn't show any dirt!
I want to replace the rug in the living room.
- We got a wool rug but unfortunately our cat instantly started scratching it, and it also shed like crazy so I hated that. So we got another cheapie. We also upgraded our tv cabinet and got a "new" flat screen tv for free when our friends sized up their old one. Score!
The big one will be replacing the front deck with composite decking.
- Yes! Doug did almost all of it by himself this summer with just a little help from my dad.
So nice and clean looking.
We plan to have the baby in our room for awhile and then have the two kids share the bigger back bedroom, so at some point that room will have to undergo a transformation from it's current treadmill/guest bed/storage/Doug's dresser and bookcase/closet situation.
- We decided against having the kids share for now, which unfortunately means we lost our office/exercise/guest room option. But it works well to have each kid in their own bedrooms for now.
Jeanie's pretty nursery.
And my favorite goal, vacation. - We have a little babymoon planned for February, no where crazy, but a new place for us- Gulf Shores, Alabama. I'm looking forward to warm, sun and sand, and baby-free time! We'd also like to take a fall family trip somewhere. Either our friend is having a destination cruise wedding to Cozumel, or he might not do that anymore and that would free us up to go on our own trip. We'd LOVE to go back to Hawaii, but the flights are always so expensive and kinda worried about the change with kids. We are also looking into Iceland. We shall see!
- We did our babymoon to Gulf Shores, Alabama. Loved it!
We also did our first family road trip to Chattenooga, Tennessee, loved that too.
spiritual goals for the year are to finish up BSF this spring/summer, start the new class in the fall, and I have a variety of mini devotions to work through on my Bible app: Keep Your Love On: Connection, No More Unglued Mama Mornings, Wait and See, Discover the Jewish Jesus, and 5 Days to Freedom from Angry Parenting- these are all plans I have saved so far. It's nice because each one is 1-2 weeks so I can do several of them over the year. We are in a good place church-wise and also joined a small group this fall so hope to develop those relationships deeper.
- Finished up the People of the Promised Land part 1 BSF study in the spring and started the Acts study in the fall. I finished 9 mini Bible study plan/devotions on my Bible phone app. Those are so nice, they have such a huge variety of topics and you can just squeeze one in whenever. We are also still in our small group and have met and hung out with several couples and families over the year so that is great.
2019 was a pretty good year for our family, we are thankful.

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