Thursday, April 15, 2021

Easter Fun

 We had Doug's parents over the day before Easter. They brought goodies of course!

I've been getting these turkey tenderloins recently and they are delicious! Just pop in the oven for an hour, and so moist and tasty. We also had baked potatoes, crescent rolls, asparagus and I made a lemon bundt from the Magnolia Table cookbook. It was pretty, but I would've preferred a stronger lemon flavor.

The next day we celebrated our risen Lord! 

We love our church, but I've found on the big ones, Easter and Christmas, I prefer a more traditional church service. I guess that's just the pipe-organ-builder's daughter in me. I love a good traditional hymn. So we went to my parents' church.

My mom's arms got a workout holding Jeanie most of the service. That girl just loves to be held. In retrospect, squeaky shoes were not the best choice when going to a church with kids walking up to the children's ministry minute, lol. 

The papier mache tomb of my youth has been replaced by a picture on a screen! Ahh the times they are a 'changing. 

Family pic

Followed by a nice Easter dinner at my parents' new house. Dad and Jeanie enjoying some fresh air and sunshine and a lake view. We had a potroast and other tasty things, and I made a chocolate cream pie. Which was actually too rich, who'd have ever thought a chocolate lover would ever say that!?

My parents and Doug took the kids over to a local park and I enjoyed a nap on their couch. Everyone came back and I chatted with my mom while she mended some of Jeanie's sleepsacks, then lunch turned into dinner time and we grilled some brats. Mmm. It was a perfect day. 

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