Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Jeanie turns one

I can't believe my baby is one. This year just zoomed by incredibly fast. I feel like it went a lot faster than August's first year- probably due to the fact that I am now busy with him as well and can't savor her babyhood. Which is actually kind of sad, but how else can you do it with more than one child?!

In the hospital after her birth one of my nurses gave me the advice, if you have more than one child, when both are crying go to the older child first because the baby won't remember, but the older child will. And I thought it was great advice, but just then again, I feel like her babyhood was pushed to the backburner and she really did play 'second fiddle' to the firstborn. 😭 But once again, somehow you gotta manage. 

Anyway, thanks to the quarantine her birthday party has been postponed, so here are some pictures from her actual birthday. 

Started the morning off right with her first taste of blueberry pancakes. Yum!

We spent the day how we usually do at home rotating meals, naps, playing. It was cold outside, so was indoors. 

I made her my favorite oatmeal cake. Seriously, I will never be a pinterest mom. I was getting stressed out making this and trying to have everything ready. It stuck to the pan, but it was still delicious. I don't know how other people are so good at getting multiple things done and prepared.

Her "frosting" was whipped coconut cream, the rest of us had actual frosting. 

She liked it.

So, her party was postponed, but we did have a couple neighbors come stand on the porch and they sang happy birthday to her and had a piece of cake. 

She actually ended up eating a lot more than I had planned on her having, as again, was busy doing something with August while she was going to town, haha. 

Um... why are my neighbors serenading me??

New Elmo toy

New balance bike from mama and daddy.

Beautiful handmade headband from a friend.

We are so blessed to have this sweet little girl!

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