Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Life lately

 I guess when you don't post very often, there is a lot of random stuff to catch up on!

New fall table runner:

Ready for book club!

Funny things:

I was laughing so hard at these cake fails

The kiddos watching Bible stories together while mama did her BSF via zoom this morning.

Got a couple new 2 person games. Doug and I are trying to have some "stay at home date nights" after the kids are in bed. Played these last night, pretty fun!

Cold bundled walk last night to check out the Christmas lights in the neighborhood.

Book and snack!

This girl is just sunshine and happiness

Painting fun

Colored turkey masks for Thanksgiving

Popcorn and apples snack while mama made an apple crisp for a small get together at a friends' house.

This blog uploaded all my pics in reverse order and it's a pain to undo it, so things are all in reverse order. But a couple pics from our family walk at the nature preserve over the weekend.

Earlier last week in the nice weather and sunshine, he had great fun jumping off the porch into a leaf pile.

Saved this stacking rings toy for her until she was 18 months, and she did it like a pro! She is meeting most of her milestones, but not much talking. So we had to go to an Early On speech eval, her comprehensive development is at 22+ months (she's 19 months) but her language is 12-14 months. So she will be getting some speech therapy. They think she should catch up quickly. I hope so. My thought is big brother does enough talking for the whole family so there's not much chance for her to practice!

Anyone elses kids beg for radishes at the grocery store??

At a little birthday party last week, maybe will get her one of these little pets for Christmas!

He used to call it da' Buster, but now he says it correctly, growing so fast! 😭

Doug sent me this picture when I was at work, 💓, love them playing together!

Dinner out at Red Robin, so yummy. 

Dishwasher unloading help:

He's getting so fast on his balance bike! Might be ready for a 2-wheeler next summer?!

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