Thursday, February 6, 2020


My friend told me about a deal that several ski resorts in Michigan partnered with McDonalds to get people out doing winter sports. An hour lesson skiing or snowboarding, equipment rental, and lift ticket for $35. What a steal!! I have asked Doug almost every winter to go snowboard with me and he always told me the same thing "I can't turn left", so I signed us up for the lesson so we could move past that :)

I learned to snowboard years ago out in Colorado by an old friend/boyfriend that I would always date when I was out babysitting for a wealthy family who had a house in Aspen, anyway, long story, but needless to say I hadn't been snowboarding in 5+ years so the lesson wasn't wasted on me. 

It was snowing, but wasn't super cold, it was beautiful!

Turns out we had a couple friend out that evening too so met up with them for a couple minutes. It was a fun evening. We didn't stay too long because we had to pick up the kiddos from Doug's parents, but I was glad we could go.

Then this week I saw on facebook that Mickey Mouse was coming to a local bar and grill. A couple friends had been wanting to meet up for dinner so we met there. It was pretty much a guy dressed up like Mickey Mouse making rounds to the tables but it was pretty neat. I don't know why, but August LOVES Mickey Mouse. For the past year or so he spots him wherever we go, on the Huggies diapers, on a cereal box, on other kids' clothes, on the top of someone's car antenna. So I thought that would be fun. He came and visited our table 3 times. 

Dinner with our friends and seeing Mickey Mouse and saved hundreds by not going to Disney, priceless! :) 

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